Women’s Bible Study—now there are two (2)!!

At Williston Federated Church we are blessed with two (2) offered for and by women.

Dr. Sally Stockwell Metro facilitates a group that has been meeting regularly since early 2022. This women's Bible study meets both in person in our Sitting Room (near Church office) and on ZOOM on Mondays from 1:30-2:30pm. If you are interested, please contact Sally at ssmetro9@gmail.com.

Sunday Women’s Bible Study resumed meeting Sunday, Feb. 25th, 11am-12noon in the Sitting Room (near Church office). There is also be a hybrid option. We will meet for four Sundays to study the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians in the New Testament. This short, four chapter letter is a good introduction to the Apostle Paul as it comes late in his life and has many insights into faith, community and handling suffering with hope. The study will run through Sunday March 17th and then we will decide what to study next.  All are welcome. Contact Kim Hornung-Marcy if you need the zoom link or for any questions: khmarcy@comcast.net

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